sales@autotripodturnstile.comTel: +86-28-60270910 Vehicle Barrier Gate & Pedestrian Barrier Turnstile Supplier

You may be interested in: barrier gate, bollard, tripod turnstile, flap gate, full height turnstile, swing gate, speed gate

Barrier Gates- Turnstile Gates - Physical Security Solution Supplier
Flap gates, a classic type of optical turnstiles that include physical barriers and are also called optical flap turnstiles or flap barrier turnstiles, are used to manage pedestrian traffic in and out of secured areas where security access control and pedestrian traffic management are equally important. They have infrared beams that can determine if a pedestrian has successfully navigated the turnstile security lane. They will refuse to open along with the alerts to effectively deny access, and the high detection accuracy of such security turnstiles can effectively prevent clipping and collision, ensuring the safety of pedestrians. If someone tries to enter without authorization, a visual or audible alert is triggered. Flap gate turnstiles also have a contemporary appearance that meets the latest architectural trends.
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